"The elephant in the room"

After years of study and engagement in various scientific and professional fields, both within Greece and abroad, as well as my interaction with people of different generations, nationalities, and social classes, I increasingly realize day by day that Greece's problem, which officially became visible from 2008 (due to the global economic crisis) and onwards, the same basically problem that unofficially existed for decades, is not political or economic but deeply social. The continuous support of specific politicians by a large part of the citizens over the years, who on one hand support them and on the other express, at every opportunity, their suspicion regarding the electoral outcome, after each election, the indefinite "blame" towards "corrupt politicians" and "oligarch entrepreneurs," the "foreigners" who are "good" when they lend to us but "bad" when we owe them, the young politicians and newcomers in politics, who are both "hard to find" and "necessary" for the country's progress but also "superfluous" and "useless" when they are "too" young and "too" unfamiliar with politics, the situational outcry of "let's stay in Europe" instead of "let's become Europe," all these, and many more, conclusively prove that the parallel crisis of institutions, values, and national identity is precisely what has sustained the economic crisis post-2008 and simultaneously constitutes the real source of every national problem. This problem is not in the Parliament, nor in the Government. This problem is next to us. In the cafés, in the taverns, in the bars, in our workplaces, in public services, on the sidewalks we walk. It's all those who "lick" where they "spit." It's the strategically delinquent who sometimes self-identify as "poor" and sometimes as "persecuted." It's the privileged ones who accuse favoritism and are "shocked" by the state's decline. It's the irresponsible and the cowardly who don't elect representatives but scapegoats. Those who, for the chaos they themselves chose and shaped, will choose as the next "scapegoats," behind the safety provided by the veil of the ballot box. Namely, those who will blame for the remainder of their term and will re-elect them to continue blaming them safely ever after. In democracy, politicians are the mirror of society. Period. Enough with the hypocrisy. Enough with the defamation of the glorious Greek history and its sacrifice on the altar of fake patriotism. Let's finally talk about the elephant in the room.

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